produktui taikomas garantijas ir licencijavimo galutiniam vartotojui sutartis skaitykite
internete adresu www.tomtom.com/legal.
© 2011 TomTom N.V., Nīderlande. TomTom® un “divu rociņu” logotips ir prečzīmes, kas
pieder TomTom N.V. vai kādam tā meitas uzņēmumam. Garantijas un gala lietotāja
līgumus, kas piemērojami šim izstrādājumam, skatiet vietnē www.tomtom.com/legal.
© 2011 TomTom N.V., Hollanda. TomTom® ve diğer logolar ile birlikte "iki el" logosunun
mülkiyeti, TomTom N.V. veya bağlı şirketlerine aittir. Bu ürün için geçerli garanti ve son
kullanıcı lisans sözleşmeleri için www.tomtom.com/legal sayfasına bakın.
© 2011 TomTom N.V., Holanda. TomTom® e o logotipo "duas mãos" entre outros, são
marcas comerciais de propriedade da TomTom N.V. ou de uma de suas subsidiárias. Con-
sulte www.tomtom.com/legal para obter garantias e contratos de licença de usuário
final que se aplicam a este produto.
Ordnance Survery © Crown Copyright License number 100026920.
Data Source © 2011 TomTom
All rights reserved.
SoundClear™ acoustic echo cancellation software © Acoustic Technologies Inc.
Text to Speech technology, © 2011 Loquendo TTS. All rights reserved. Loquendo is a reg-
istered trademark. www.loquendo.com
MPEG Layer-3 audio coding technology licensed from Fraunhofer IIS and Thomson.
Supply of this product does not convey a license nor imply any right to distribute content
created with this product in revenue-generating broadcast systems (terrestrial, satellite,
cable and/or other distribution channels), streaming applications (via Internet, intranets
and/or other networks), other content distribution systems (pay-audio or audio-on-
demand applications and the like) or on physical media (compact discs, digital versatile
discs, semiconductor chips, hard drives, memory cards and the like). An independent
license for such use is required. For details, please visit mp3licensing.com
Some images are taken from NASA’s Earth Observatory.
The purpose of NASA’s Earth Observatory is to provide a freely-accessible publication on
the Internet where the public can obtain new satellite imagery and scientific information
about our home planet.
The focus is on Earth’s climate and environmental change: earthobservatory.nasa.gov/
The software included in this product contains copyrighted software that is licensed
under the GPL. A copy of that license can be viewed in the License section. You can obtain
the complete corresponding source code from us for a period of three years after our last
shipment of this product. For more information, visit tomtom.com/gpl or to call your local