These corrections are investigated and verified by TomTom and are included when the
next map version is released.
Map correction settings
You can decide which map corrections from the Map Share community are used to cor-
rect your maps. To select a category, tap Map corrections settings in the Map corrections
There are three categories of map corrections:
• Corrections verified by TomTom - this category only includes corrections investigated
by TomTom.
• Corrections verified by TomTom or confirmed by many members - this category
includes corrections investigated by TomTom and corrections reported by a high
number of Map Share community members.
• All reported map corrections - this category includes corrections investigated by
TomTom and corrections reported by a high number of Map Share community mem-
bers and corrections reported by only a few Map Share community members.
Downloading and sending map corrections
To download the latest new map corrections and to send your own corrections, connect
your TomTom GO to MyTomTom.
If new map corrections are available for your maps, then your GO will automatically down-
load the corrections and update your maps.
You can select the type of corrections you want to download, in the Map corrections set-
tings menu on your GO.
Reporting a map error
If you find an error on your map, you can mark the location using the report button in the
Driving view. You can then correct the error and send the correction when you have com-
pleted your journey.
For example, you are driving to a friend's house and you notice that the name of a street
on your map is different from the name on the street sign. To mark the location for later
correction, tap the report button and your GO will record the location.