
Establishing a connection
Before your remote control can communicate with your TomTom GO, you
need to establish a Bluetooth connection between your remote control and
your GO. This Bluetooth process is also known as ‘pairing’.
The first time you switch on your remote control, it tries to establish a
connection with the nearest GO.
To establish a connection, do the following:
1. Switch on your TomTom GO and tap Bluetooth preferences in the
Preferences menu.
2. Tap Enable Bluetooth.
3. Press any button on your remote control to switch it on.
Your remote control communicates with your GO and you are asked if you
want to accept the connection.
4. Tap Yes to accept the connection.
The next time you use your remote control, it looks for your GO. If your GO
is switched off or is not within range, the remote control searches for
another GO.
Note: This button may only be available if all menu
options are shown. To show all menu options, tap
Show ALL menu options in the Preferences Menu.
No light - your remote control is switched off or in
power saving mode.
Flashing blue light - your remote control is searching
for your GO.
Solid blue light - your remote control is connected to
your GO.
Red light - battery power is low. Replace the batteries
as soon as possible.