Before you start training, it's a good idea to charge your watch, download any software updates and
download QuickGPSfix.
Note: QuickGPSfix helps your watch get a GPS fix and find your location quickly.
1. Download TomTom MySports Connect from tomtom.com/getstarted/sports and install it on your
computer. TomTom MySports Connect is available for free.
2. Place your watch in the desk dock and connect the dock to your computer.
Follow the instructions that TomTom MySports Connect gives you.
After your watch is charged, you can start your first activity.
Tip: Your watch is fully charged when the battery animation stops moving and shows a full battery.
You should connect your watch to your computer regularly to charge it, upload activities, download
software updates and download QuickGPSfix information.
Battery life
When the battery is fully charged, your watch can be used for up to 10 hours of activities that need
GPS reception, such as running and cycling. The battery is used more quickly if you use the backlight
on your watch frequently or all the time, or connect the watch to sensors, such as the Heart Rate
Monitor or Cadence Sensor.
The following tips will help your watch go longer on a battery charge:
Turn off night mode and touch the screen to turn on the back light only when you need it.
Turn off sensors that you are not using. Your watch keeps searching for sensors even if you are
not using a sensor.
TomTom MySports app
Important: Before using the MySports app on your smartphone, you need to link your watch to your
MySports account using a computer. This needs to be done only once.
You can download the TomTom MySports app for free from your usual app store or by going to
To learn more, go to TomTom MySports mobile app in this guide.
Pairing your watch with your phone
To learn more, go to Phone in this guide.