The delayed timer can be set to delay bread making up to 12 hours. At the selected time, deli-
cious bread will be ready. The delay wo rks for all programs except Fast Bake.
Add all ingredients to the bread pan in the order listed. It is critical to add the yeast last, on top of
the flour, and away from the liquid. This will keep the yeast from activating until the bread make r
s t a rts to mix.
Select the progra m . B e fore pressing STA RT, set the timer for the amount of time you want to
wait before the bread is done.
E X A M P L E : It is 9:00 p. m . n ow. The bread is to be ready at 6:30 a.m. the next morn i n g .
Set the timer for 9:30, because there are 9 hours and 30 minutes between 9:00 p. m . a n d
6:30 a.m.
1 . When pressed, the time will
a d vance in 10 minute incre-
m e n t s.
2 . When constant pressure is
applied to the pad, the time
will advance quick l y.
3 . Press the STA RT pad. T h e
timer is set, and the colon
bl i n k s. After one minu t e,
9:29 is displayed, and the
timer continues to count
d own in 1 minute incre-
m e n t s.
Colon will bl i n k
- 15 -
N OT E : The bread maker will
s t a rt when the timer has
counted down to the start time
for the program to begin.