Press STA RT. The time left fo r
the program to
be finished is
d i s p l ayed
and counts dow n .
When the display
reads 1:48 the
machine will beep
2 times and stop mixing. Ta ke
a spatula and scrape the dry
i n gredients from the top sides
and bottom corners of the pan
into the wet mixture. At 1:43
mixing will resume. When the
d i s p l ay reads 1:20 it will beep
4 times to add additional
i n gr e d i e n t s. Add ingr e d i e n t s
q u i ckly and evenly over batter
to prevent heat loss. Close lid.
- 15 -
Close the
l i d . P l u g
into 120 V
~ 60 Hz outlet. T h e
d i s p l ay indicator will
light up. The bread
machine may emit
an odor and/or
s m o ke during first
use from oils used
in manu fa c t u ri n g .
This is normal for a new appliance.
The beeper will sound 8
times when dessert is done.
Press STOP and remove the
pan using oven mitts for all
d e s s e rts EXCEPT
c h e e s e c a ke s. See special
i n s t ructions for cheesecake s
in the recipe book.
Place the pan on a heat
resistant surfa c e. R e fer to
recipe book for additional
mixing, cooling and
r e m oving instru c t i o n s.
C AU T I O N :
• The pan, kneading bl a d e, and
d e s s e rt will be ve ry hot.
• A l ways unplug after use.
Press Dessert button (cake ) .
Place bread machine away
from edge of counter.