
Lyra Micro jukebox
Portable Hard Drive Capability
Since Lyra Micro Jukebox has a 1.5-gigabyte hard drive, you can use it to transport files -
any files, not just music files. Some possible uses for this feature are as follows:
Create back-ups/archive files.
Connect to other computers - at work, for example.
•Transport digital photo albums.
•Transport files from one computer to another computer. For example, instead of
putting files at work on a zip or accessing them on your home computer via e-mail
or remote access, you can put the files on your Lyra Micro Jukebox.
Capture internet downloads.
Share information.
Check for Updates
Visit http://www.thomson-lyra.com for the latest news and firmware upgrades for our
Lyra Micro Jukebox. You must update your system after new downloads have been made
in order for the new applications to be executed.
Note: * Available upon future upgrade.