Stowaway Travel Mouse Owner’s Manual Page 12
Reconnecting and Bluetooth Accessibility
If your Stowaway Travel Mouse software returns
to waiting mode, and pressing a mouse button
will not trigger reconnection with the PDA, this
may be because the Bluetooth stack is awaiting a
signal only from a previously paired device,
(such as if you had been using a Secured
keyboard connection). If you want the
convenience of not placing the mouse in
Discoverable mode before every use, you will
need to select All devices in the Bluetooth
Settings applet. This will permit your Pocket PC
to receive Bluetooth signals from unpaired
devices, like the mouse. Note: Your Bluetooth
screen may vary.
Each manufacturer’s Bluetooth configuration screens differ, but generally
you will find the All devices and Paired devices only options within the
Bluetooth Settings under the Accessibility tab. This set of screens may be
available directly via a Bluetooth icon on the Today screen, or from the Start
Menu =>Settings=>Connections tab.