DSP_minval: Minimum value of a vector.
DSP_mul32: 32-bit vector multiply.
DSP_neg32: 32-bit vector negate.
DSP_q15tofl: Q15 to float conversion.
DSP_radix2: Complex forward FFT (radix 2).
DSP_recip16: 16-bit reciprocal.
DSP_r4fft: Complex forward FFT (radix 4).
DSP_vecsumsq: Sum of squares.
DSP_w_vec: Weighted vector sum.
evaluation module (EVM): Board and software tools that allow the user to
evaluate a specific device.
external interrupt: A hardware interrupt triggered by a specific value on a
external memory interface (EMIF): Microprocessor hardware that is used
to read to and write from off-chip memory.
fast Fourier transform (FFT): An efficient method of computing the discrete
Fourier transform algorithm, which transforms functions between the
time domain and the frequency domain.
fetch packet: A contiguous 8-word series of instructions fetched by the CPU
and aligned on an 8-word boundary.
FFT: See fast fourier transform.
flag: A binary status indicator whose state indicates whether a particular
condition has occurred or is in effect.
frame: An 8-word space in the cache RAMs. Each fetch packet in the cache
resides in only one frame. A cache update loads a frame with the
requested fetch packet. The cache contains 512 frames.
global interrupt enable bit (GIE): A bit in the control status register (CSR)
that is used to enable or disable maskable interrupts.