Chapter 4: Parametric Graphing 141
• Select or deselect parametric equations.
• Store values directly to window variables.
Exploring Parametric Graphs
Exploring Parametric GraphsExploring Parametric Graphs
Exploring Parametric Graphs
Free-Moving Cursor
Free-Moving CursorFree-Moving Cursor
Free-Moving Cursor
The free-moving cursor in Par graphing works the same as in Func graphing.
RectGC format, moving the cursor updates the values of X and Y; if CoordOn format is
selected, X and Y are displayed.
PolarGC format, X, Y, R, and q are updated; if CoordOn format is selected, R and q are
To activate TRACE, press r. When TRACE is active, you can move the trace cursor
along the graph of the equation one
Tstep at a time. When you begin a trace, the trace