TI-83 Plus General Information 752
Error Type Possible Causes and Suggested Remedies
You referenced a variable that is not currently defined. For
example, you referenced a stat variable when there is no
current calculation because a list has been edited, or you
referenced a variable when the variable is not valid for the
current calculation, such as a after Med
Electrical interference caused a link to fail or this calculator
is not authorized to run the application.
You have tried to archive a variable that cannot be
archived or you have have.tried to unarchive an application
or group.
Examples of variables that cannot be archived include:
Real numbers LRESID, R, T, X, Y, Theta, Statistic
variables under Vars, STATISTICS menu, Yvars, and
the AppIdList.
You have attempted to receive an incompatible variable
version from another calculator.