58 Depreciation Worksheet
* SLF and DBF are available only if you select the European format for
dates or separators in numbers. (See “Setting Calculator Formats ”
on page 4.)
** This guidebook categorizes variables by their method of entry. (See
“Types of Worksheet Variables
” on page 17.)
Resetting the Depreciation Worksheet Variables
• To reset all calculator variables and formats to default values,
including the Depreciation worksheet variables, press & }
• To clear only the
LIF, YR, CST, and SAL Depreciation worksheet
variables and reset default values without affecting the depreciation
method or other calculator variables and formats, press & z
while in the Depreciation worksheet.
Computing Values for DEP, RBV, and RDV
• The calculator computes one year at a time and rounds the results to
the number of decimal places set. (See “Setting Calculator Formats ”
on page 4.)
• The calculator computes values for DEP, RBV, and RDV automatically
when you press # to display each variable.
Year to compute # YR Enter only
Depreciation for the year # DEP Auto-compute
Remaining book value at the
end of the year
# RBV Auto-compute
Remaining depreciable value # RDV Auto-compute
Variable Default Variable Default
SL M01 1
DB 200 YR 1
DBX 200 CST 0
Variable Key Display
Variable Type