Model 9110TH NOx Analyzer Setup Menu
Teledyne Analytical Instruments 105
used to remove the gas from the stack dilutes the gas. Once the degree of dilution is known, this feature
allows the user to add an appropriate scaling factor to the analyzer’s NO, NO
and NO
calculations so that the measurement range and concentration values displayed on the instrument’s front
panel display and reported via the instruments various outputs reflect the undiluted values.
Using the Dilution Ratio option is a 4-step process:
1. Select the appropriate units of measure (see Section
2. Select the reporting range mode and set the reporting range upper limit (see
Section 5.4.2).
Ensure that the upper span limit entered for the reporting range is the maximum expected
concentration of the UNDILUTED gas.
3. Set the dilution factor as a gain (e.g., a value of 20 means 20 parts diluent and 1
part of sample gas):
1. Calibrate the analyzer.
Ensure that the calibration span gas is either supplied through the same dilution system as
the sample gas or has an appropriately lower actual concentration.
EXAMPLE: If the reporting range limit is set for 100 ppm and the dilution ratio of the sample gas is 20
gain, either: