Appendix Series 4060
76 Teledyne Analytical Instruments
A.2 Recommended Spare Parts List
Qty. P/N Description
1 B74671A PC board, Flame guard & anode power supply
1 B79153A PC board, Electrometer
1 C75825A Micro-processor PC board
1 CP2540 Coaxial cable
1 B79154 Sensor Assy.
1 C62371A Display PCB Assy.
1 B74674A Interface to Motherboard PCB Assy.
1 C65507A Backpanel/Power Supply PCB Assy.
1 F77 Fuse, 6.25A (3 AG)
1 L156 Lens, red
1 L154 LED, red
1 A33748 Thermistor assembly
1 V825 10 Port Switching Valve with Actuator,
Electronic Control, and Power Supply
1 CP2408 PID temperature controller
1 G481 Pressure Gauge, 0-15psig
A minimum charge of US $20.00 is applicable to spare parts orders.
IMPORTANT: Orders for replacement parts should include the part number
and the model and serial number of the system for which the parts are
Send orders to:
Analytical Instruments
16830 Chestnut Street
City of Industry, CA 91749-1580
Telephone: (626) 934-1500
Fax: (626) 961-2538
Web: www.teledyne-ai.com
or your local representative.
Email: ask_tai@teledyne.com