
Performance Verification
VITS100 NTSC VITS Inserter Instruction Manual
Requirement: Chrominance risetime + 300 ns "35 ns
1. Turn on the waveform/vector monitor vertical magnifier.
2. Position the signal blanking level to the graticule 0 IRE line.
3. Use the waveform/vector monitor vertical variable gain to place the top of
color burst at the 100 IRE line.
4. Measure the risetime of the leading edge of burst between the 10 and 90%
points (10 IRE to 90 IRE).
5. Check that the risetime is between 265 ns and 335 ns.
Burst phase change v1° over 10% to 90% APL
Sync lock jitter v10 ns (v12°) over input sync amplitude range of
287 mV"3dB
Burst phase change v 3° for 287 mV"6 dB input burst amplitude
Amplitude lock range w +6 dB to –12 dB
Burst phase change v 2° over input sync or burst amplitude range of
287 mV "3 dB
Burst phase change v1° for input burst frequency of 3.579545 MHz
"20 Hz
Lock to 28 dB S/N ratio video signal
1. Connect a 75 W coaxial cable from the TSG/SPG black burst output to the
waveform/vector monitor Ext Ref. Terminate the remaining side of the
loop-through input with a 75 W terminator. See Figure 5–4.
2. Connect a 75 W coaxial cable from the TSG/SPG Subcarrier to the wave-
form/vector monitor Ext CW Ref. Terminate the remaining side of the
loop-through input with a 75 W terminator.
3. Connect a 75 W coaxial cable from the TSG/SPG linearity output to the
video noise generator Video Input.
4. Connect a 75 W coaxial cable from the video noise generator Video Output
to the VITS inserter PROGRAM IN.
5. Set the video noise generator for a 0 dB output level.
6. Connect a 75 W coaxial cable from the VITS inserter PROGRAM OUT to
the waveform/vector monitor Ch A input. Terminate the remaining side of
the loop-through input with a 75 W terminator
7. Set the waveform/vector monitor line select to line 19 and check that the
VIRS signal is displayed.
Chrominance Risetime
Genlock Checks