Performance Tests
TDS 500D, TDS 600B & TDS 700D Performance Verification and Specifications
2 ms/division and faster, TRIG’D will remain constantly lighted. It
will flash for slower settings.
H Press TRIGGER MENU; then press the main-menu button Slope.
H Press SET LEVEL TO 50%. Adjust the TRIGGER LEVEL knob
so that the TRIG’D light is on. Set the level to near the middle of
the range where the TRIG’D light is on. CHECK that the trigger is
stable for the test waveform on both the positive and negative slopes.
(Use the side menu to switch between trigger slopes; use the
TRIGGER LEVEL knob to stabilize the trigger if required.)
H Enter pass/fail result for main trigger on the test record.
H Leave the Main trigger system triggered on the positive slope of the
waveform before continuing to the next step.
Check if stable trigger.
Figure 1–19: Measurement of trigger sensitivity – 50 MHz results shown on a
TDS 684B screen
c. Check Delayed trigger system for stable triggering at limits: Do the
following subparts in the order listed.
H Press HORIZONTAL MENU; then press the main-menu button
Time Base. Press the side-menu button Delayed Only; then press
Delayed Triggerable in the same menu.