
Performance Tests
TDS 520A, 524A, 540A, & 544A Performance Verification
Then read the
offset relative to
ground reference.
Align the active
cursor to the DC
baseline (no input).
Ignore the
inactive cursor.
Figure 1-4: Measurement of DC Offset Accuracy at Zero Setting
Check DC Gain and Voltage Measurement Accuracy
Performance of this procedure requires input voltages up to
130 VDC. Be sure to set the DC calibration generator to 0 volts
before connecting, disconnecting, and/or moving the test hookup
during the performance of this procedure.
Equipment Required:
Two dual-banana connectors (Item 5), one BNC T
connector (Item 6), one DC calibration generator (Item 8), and two precision
coaxial cables (Item 4).
The oscilloscope must meet the prerequisites listed on
page 1-15.