Using the TDS2MEM Storage Memory and Communications Module
6 TDS2MEM User Manual
Key Points
Saves All To Files. Setting the Print Button to Saves All To Files is a
fast and easy way to save all of the current oscilloscope information
to files with a single button push. Pushing the PRINT button creates a
new folder and saves the following information in separate files in that
new folder, using the current instrument and file format settings, as
listed in the following table:
.CSV Files. CSV (comma-separated value) files contain ASCII text
string that lists the time (relative to the trigger) and voltage values for
each of the 2500 waveform data points. You can import .csv files into
many spreadsheet and math analysis applications.
Screen Image Files. You can import screen image files into many
spreadsheet and word processing applications. The type of image file
you can import depends on you application.
.SET files. SET files contain an ASCII text string listing of the
oscilloscope settings.
Source File name
CH(x) FnnnnCHx.CSV, where nnnn is an automatically-
generated number, and x is the channel number.
Ref(x) FnnnnRFx.CSV, where x is the reference memory letter.
Screen Image FnnnnTEK.???, where ??? is the current Save Image file
Settings FnnnnTEK.SET