P6330 3.5 GHz Differential Probe Instructi on Manual
Effect of Extending the Output Cable
As the frequency of a signal increases, current flow concent rates at
the outer edges of the conductor, effectively increasing the
impedance. This effect is known as skin loss. The P6330 probe
contains circuitry to compensate for skin loss.
The compensation provides flat response wit h the probe cabl e.
Extending the length of the output cable increases the amount of skin
loss beyond the range of compensation correction. Minimizing the
length of cable extension reduces the attenuation.
In critical applications which require high amplitude accuracy, you
should first characterize the response of the probe with the extension
using a leveled sinewave generator and power meter. Then, you can
factor the characterization results into the measurement.
Using the Probe with Other Instruments
You can use the P6330 differential probe with other types of
measurement instruments, such as spectrum analyzers, time internal
analyzers, and network analyzers.
When using the differential probes with these instrument s, you must
use the 1103 TEKPROBE power supply, and normalize the probe
with the instrument before making a measurement.