Diagnostic Troubleshooting
The upper portion of the display screen is used to display diagnostic menus.
Menus are comprised of menu items and menu fields. Menu items are rows
of items that can be selected, while menu fields are columns of status inĆ
There are four tiers of menus which may appear in the menu area (only one
is present at any given time): the Subsystem, Block, Area and Routine
menus. Upon entry into any menu, there is always one menu item that is
selected. And, only one menu item can be selected at any given time.
The following field descriptions apply for Subsystem, Block, Area and RouĆ
tine menus.
Subsystem, Block and Area menus are divided into the following four fields:
Execution Mark, Title, Error Index Code, and Failure Count. The Routine
menu has these and three additional test result fields.
H Execution Mark Ċ is a one character field preceding the Title field and
succeeding the keystroke selector identification. The three values of this
field and their meanings are as follows:
`' All routines in this Subsystem, Block, or Area are available for
`*' No routines in the Subsystem, Block, or Area are available for
`-' One or more routines in the Subsystem, Block, or Area are
available for execution
Refer to the Delete and Add descriptions for further information.
H Title field Ċ contains the name of individual hardware Subsystems,
Blocks, Areas, or Routines.
H Error Index Code field Ċ contains an index code. The index field may
contain one of five types of status (indicating one of four types of tests),
providing the following information:
pass" An automatic test has executed and did not fail.
Yxxxx" A test has failed and the failure encountered in subsysĆ
tem Y is xxxx. This index code contains one digit each
for Subsystem identification, Block identification, Area
identification, Routine identification, and a Test identifiĆ
cation that gives some specific information about the
****" An automatic test has not yet been executed. When the
test does execute, the test will provide pass or Yxxxx
failure status.
----" The test requires you to perform some type of test setĆ
up using the RSĆ232ĆC loopback connector. When
executed, this status provides pass or Yxxxx failure
status. To execute this test, you must select it.
Diagnostic Menus