Incoming Inspection
CSA8000B & TDS8000B User Manual
6. Set up the Mag1 time base:
a. Push the Horizontal View MAG1 button on the front panel. The Mag1
time base view will display under the Main time base view.
b. Set the Horizontal SCALE to 1 s/div. The horizontal scale readout is
displayed in the Control bar at the bottom of the graticule and is now
reading out the scale of the Mag1 time base view.
7. Verify that the Mag1 time base operates: Confirm the following statements.
H The brackets on the Main View waveform (top graticule) areafull-
screen width apart (10 divisions). See Figure 1--14 on page the 1--31.
H One period of the internal clock signal (a square wave) in the Mag view
(bottom graticule) is about five horizontal divisions on-screen. (Matches
the waveform in the top graticule.) S ee Figure 1--14.
H Rotating the Horizontal SCALE knob clockwise to 500 ns/div expands
the waveform in the bottom graticule to double the period (about
10-horizontal divisions per waveform period) and returning the
Horizontal SCALE knob to 1 s/div returns the period to about five
divisions. Leave the Horizontal Scale set to 1 us/div.
Main time base view
Leftmag time base
Right magtime base
Figure 1- 14: Mag time base verification