AWG510 & AWG520 Service Manual
Performance Verification
Two types of Performance Verification procedures can be performed on this
product: SelfTests and Performance Tests. You may not need to perform all of
these procedures, depending on what you want to accomplish.
H To rapidly confirm that the Waveform Generator functions and was adjusted
properly, just do the Self Tests, which begin on page 4–3.
Advantages: These procedures require minimal additional time to perform,
require no additional equipment, and more completely test the internal
hardware of the Waveform Generator. They can be used to quickly determine
if the waveform generator is suitable for putting into service, such as when it
is first received.
H If more extensive confirmation of performance is desired, do the Perfor-
mance Tests, beginning on page 4–12, after doing the Self Tests just
Advantages: These procedures add direct checking of warranted specifica-
tions. They require more time to perform and suitable test equipment is
required. (Refer to Equipment Required on page 4–13).
Throughout these procedures the following conventions apply:
H Each test procedure uses the following general format:
Title of Test
Equipment Required