Lobster (tail) Frozen
2 pieces,
20-22 min.
400 g each
400 g 10 min.
Stir halfway through
Flesh cooking
Cooking is finished
Shellfish Fresh 250/400 g 8-10 min. when the shells are
Prawns Fresh 400 g 6 min.
Stir halfway through
Mussels Fresh 400 g 8-10 min.
Stir halfway through
Fish fillets
Frozen 250 g 10-12 min.
Fresh 250 g 6-8 min.
Fish steak Tuna 250/400 g 10-12 min.
Salmon 250/400 g 12-14 min.
Some recommendations
• If you so wish you can reduce cooking
times significantly by filling the reser-
voir with warm water, but note that co-
oking times given in the recipes are for
use with cold water.
• Do not pack food too tightly in the
steam bowls or rice bowl. Leave some
space for steam to circulate as much
as possible.
• The times indicated may vary depen-
ding on the size of pieces of food, the
space left between items, the quality of
food used and individual taste. Once
you are familiar with the appliance, you
will be able to adjust these times. For
best results, use pieces of food of ap-
proximately the same size. If the pieces
are of different sizes, and need to be
put in layers, put the smallest pieces on
• If you are steaming large quantities of
food, remove the lid halfway through
the cooking time, stir the food and put
the lid back on. Avoid placing face in di-
rect contact with the steam.
• Use the juice collected in the juice ac-
cessory to make soups, sauces, etc.
Table of cooking times
Fish • Seafood
Food Type Quantity
After using the appliance 7 to 10 times,
scale may form on the heating element, de-
pending on the hardness of the water used.
It is recommended to descale the ap-
pliance regularly, so that steam forma-
tion is not impeded, and also to prolong
the life of your appliance.
• Fill the water reservoir and the heating
element housing with a solution of half
water and half white vinegar to the
maximum level mark. Do not use other
descaling products.
• Plug in. The juice collector, juice tray /
separator (depending on model), turbo
ring, steam bowls, lid and rice bowl are
not used during this operation.
• Set the timer to 20-25 minutes. If the
vinegar solution boils over, stop the
timer and unplug the appliance.
• When the timer rings, unplug the ap-
pliance and wait for it to cool down be-
fore emptying out the vinegar solution.
• Rinse the reservoir with clear water se-
veral times.
• Check that water flows correctly bet-
ween the reservoir and the heating ele-
ment housing.
When using the juice
tray separator, it is re-
commended to add
1 to 3 minutes to the
times shown.
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