MP3 Playback mode
As well as the normal playback mode, the following functions are also available:
- Random playback of all tracks in the selected folder
- Playback of a single track
- Playback of titles from a selected folder
The various playback modes can be accessed as follows:
Press the Option key. A window appears for the selection of the playback mode. >
Use the arrow keys up/down to highlight the desired playback mode, confi rm by pressing OK. >
To activate the random playback function, press the Option key again and use the Arrow keys >
up/down to select the entry On.
Subsequently confi rm by pressing OK. >
Image playback
With your receiver, you can display data, which is saved in JPEG format on a device connected via
the USB socket or a card inserted into the card reader. The USB device should be formatted using
the fi le system FAT 32.
By pressing the blue function key Functions, the NAV menu opens. >
Use the arrow keys up/down to highlight the line Pictures and confi rm by pressing OK. >
Use the arrow keys up/down to select the source from which you wish to view the picture >
fi les, and confi rm by pressing OK. A list showing the picture fi les available on the USB device
or the inserted cards will be displayed.
Use the arrow keys up/down as applicable to initially highlight the folder, which contains the >
desired image fi le, and confi rm by pressing OK.
Use the arrow keys up/down to select from the list of JPG fi les, which you can view and con- >
fi rm with OK. The picture selected will now be displayed in large format.
Show next/previous picture
Press the arrow keys up/down to skip to the next or previous picture. >
Rotate image
By pressing the blue or red function key, the image can be rotated in a clockwise or anticlock- >
wise direction.
Go up one folder level
When an image is displayed, fi rst press the Stop button, to reactivate the navigator. >
To go one level upward from a folder, use the Arrow keys to highlight the topmost line, which >
is indicated by a symbol, and confi rm with OK or
Press the Back key. >
Stop/End playback
To stop playback and revert to normal operation, press the TV/Radio button. >