83-507-5002 Rev. B
This Chapter describes the operation of the Genesys
3300W power supplies via the serial
communication port. Details of the initial set-up, operation via RS232 or RS485, the command
set and the communication protocol are described in this Chapter.
7.2.1 Default setting
The power supply is shipped with the following settings:
-Address 6 -Output Off
-Baud-rate 9600 -Start up mode Safe-start
-RS232/485 RS232 -OVP Maximum
-Vout setting 0 -UVL 0
-Iout setting Maximum -Foldback Off
-Master/Slave H1 (Master) -Front panel: Unlocked (UFP)
7.2.2 Address setting
The power supply address can be set to any address between 0 and 30. Follow the instructions
described below to set the unit address.
1. If the unit is in Remote mode (front panel REM/LOC LED illuminated), press the REM/LOC
button to put the unit into Local mode.
2. Press and hold for the REM/LOC button for approximately 3 sec. The VOLTAGE display will
indicate the unit address.
3. Using the VOLTAGE adjust encoder, select the unit address.
To preview the power supply address at any time, press and hold the REM/LOC button for
approx. 3 sec. The VOLTAGE display will indicate the power supply address.
7.2.3 RS232 or RS485 selection
To select between RS232 or RS485 set the rear panel setup switch SW1-6 position to:
-DOWN for RS232
-UP for RS485
7.2.4 Baud Rate setting
Five optional Baud rates are possible: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600 and 19200. To select the desired
rate, the following steps should be taken:
1. If the unit is in Remote mode (front panel REM/LOC LED illuminates), press REM/LOC button
to put the unit into Local mode.
2. Press and hold the REM/LOC button for approximately 3 sec. The CURRENT display will
show the unit Baud Rate.
3. Using the CURRENT adjust encoder, select the desired Baud Rate.
7.2.5 Setting the unit into Remote or Local mode
1. The unit will be put into Remote mode only via serial communication command. Commands
that will put the unit into Remote mode are:
OUT n PC n
(for n values see Tables 7-5 and 7-7)