Initialization Control Commands
ADR is followed by address, which can be 0 to 30 and is used to access the
Clear status. Sets FEVE and SEVE registers to zero (refer to Section 7
Reset command. Brings the power supply to a safe and known state:
Output voltage: zero, Remote: non
Output current: zero, Auto
Output: Off, OVP: maximum,
The conditional registers (FLT and STAT) are updated, the other registers are
Sets the power supply to local or remote mode:
the power supply into Local mode.
RMT 1 or RMT REM, sets the unit into remote mode.
RMT 2 or RMT LLO, sets the unit into Local Lockout mode (latched r
Returns to the Remote mode setting:
The unit is in Local mode.
The unit is in Local Lockout (latched remote) mode.
Returns MD MODE OPTION Status. 1 indicates installed and 0 indicates not i
<CR> is received, the power supply will repeat the
Returns the power supply model identification as an ASCII string:
Returns the software version as an ASCII string.
Returns the unit serial number. Up to 12
Returns date of last test. Date format: yyyy/mm/dd
Sets the output voltage value in Volts. The range of voltage value is described in
5. The maximum number of chara
cters is 12. See the following exa
for PV n format: PV 12, PV 012, PV 12.0, PV 012.00, etc…
Reads the output voltage setting. Returns the string “n” where “n” is the exact
string sent in the PV n command. When in Local mode, returns the PREVIEW
(front panel) settings in a 5 digit string.
Reads the actual output voltage. Returns a 5 digits string.
Example: 60V supply sends 01.150, 15.012, 50.000, etc…
Set the Output Current value in Amperes. The range of current value
scribed in Table 7.6. The maximum number of characters is 12. See the following
examples for PC n format: PC n format: PC 10, PC 10.0, PC 010.00, etc…
Reads the Output Current setting. Returns the string “n” where “n” is the exact
in the PC n command. When in Local mode, returns the PREVIEW
tings in a 5 digit string.
Reads the actual Output Current. Returns a 5 digit string.
Example: 200A supply sends 000.50, 110.12, 200.00, etc…