White Paper Z600
29 September 2003
Over-the-air provisioning
of WAP settings
To simplify the configuration of WAP settings in the
Z600, all settings can be sent to the phone as an
SMS message. This makes it easy for an operator,
a service provider or a company to distribute set-
tings for Internet/intranet, and WAP, without the
user having to configure the phone manually. This
also makes it easy to upgrade services, as no man-
ual configuration is required.
• The OTA configuration message is distributed
via SMS point-to-point.
• The setup information is a binary encoded XML
message (WBXML). To receive information
about OTA specifications, please contact your
local Sony Ericsson representative for con-
sumer products. A configurator that utilizes OTA
provisioning can be tested on www.SonyErics-
• The user is alerted about new settings when the
ongoing browsing session ends. Settings are
not changed during an ongoing browsing ses-
• User interaction is limited to receiving and
accepting/rejecting the configuration message,
and selecting which WAP profile to allocate the
settings to.
• Security can be handled using a keyword identi-
fier displayed on the screen as a shared secret
between the SMS sender and recipient. There-
fore the user can verify that the configuration
message is authentic.
Push services
Examples of WAP services that can be pushed
• Notification of new e-mail, voice mail, etc.
• News, sports results, weather forecasts, finan-
cial information (stock quotes etc.).
• Personal Information Manager (PIM) - delivery
of contacts, meeting requests etc.
• Smart card e-cash.
• Interactive games.
In the , the user selects whether to allow push mes-
sages or not. There are two different forms of Push
Service Indication (SI)
An SI service sends to the browser a text message
with a URL of a WAP page. If the user decides to
load the URL, normal WAP browsing commences.
When an SI is received by the Z600, the user can
load it immediately, postpone it or delete it.
Received SIs are stored in the Push Inbox and can
be viewed and loaded at a later time. The Push
Inbox displays a list containing the first part of each
received message. The list is sorted by action
attribute (high/medium/low) or reception time of the
Service Loading (SL)
An SL service sends and displays a WAP page if
accepted by the user. If the SL is not accepted, it is
loaded and stored in the cache for later use. The
user can start the browser and load the page from
the cache manually.