Instruction Manual: evolution 5000 E57xx DSNG and DENG Voyager Encoder Index-9
config name, 4-26
fan control, 4-28
keypress beep option, 4-27
local date, 4-26
local time, 4-26
model number, 4-26
power dip recovery option, 4-27
screen saver, 4-27
software release, 4-28
temperature, 4-27
upgrade encoder option, 4-28
UTC offset, 4-27
IRD demod menu
FEC rate option, 4-106
frequency option, 4-106, 4-107
polarisation option, 4-107
symbol rate option, 4-106
IRD menu, 4-104
IRD mode option, 4-104
IRD ts source option, 4-104
M2/EOM2/DAT RS-232 and RS-422 data input option
module, 4-70
mux menu
key entry option, 4-95
BISS firmware option, 4-94
BISS hardware option, 4-94
BISS-E injected id, 4-96
bit-rate (188) option, 4-93
bit-rate (204) option, 4-93
clock option, 4-93
enc session word, 4-96
FPGA firmware option, 4-94
host bit-rate, 4-96
on air option, 4-90
packet length option, 4-90
PCR PID option, 4-93
RAS firmware option, 4-94
scramble option, 4-94
SNG key (RAS1), 4-94, 4-95
output menu
delivery descriptor option, 4-72
descriptor type = cable, 4-76
FEC (inner) option, 4-76
FEC (outer) option, 4-76
frequency option, 4-76
modulation type option, 4-76
symbol rate option, 4-77
descriptor type = satellite, 4-77
FEC (inner) option, 4-77
frequency option, 4-77
modulation type option, 4-77
orbital position option, 4-78
polarisation option, 4-78
symbol rate option, 4-77
west east option, 4-78
descriptor type = terrestrial
band plan option, 4-72
bandwidth option, 4-73
carriers option, 4-75
channel option, 4-73
FEC (HP) and FEC (LP) option, 4-74
frequency option, 4-73
guard interval option, 4-75
hierarchy option, 4-74
modulation type option, 4-74
other frequency option, 4-75
descriptor type option, 4-72
output format = ofdm modulator
bandwidth option, 4-86
bit-rate (188) option, 4-87
bit-rate (204) option, 4-87
centre frequency option, 4-87
FEC rate option, 4-86
guard interval option, 4-86
IF output option, 4-87
modulation mode option, 4-86
OFDM S/W release option, 4-87
output option, 4-85
spectral pol option, 4-87
transmission option, 4-87
output format = satellite modulator
bit-rate (188) option, 4-81, 4-84
bit-rate (2048) option, 4-81
FEC rate option, 4-80
IF frequency option, 4-79
IF output option, 4-78
IF power option, 4-79
mod type option, 4-79
modulation option, 4-79
polarisation option, 4-83
preset pwr low option, 4-81
preset pwr norm option, 4-81
roll off option, 4-80
sat deliv freq option, 4-82
sat orb pos option, 4-82
sat west east option, 4-82
spectrum invert option, 4-80
status only option, 4-83
symbol rate option, 4-80
tx bandwidth factor option, 4-81
tx bandwidth option, 4-81, 4-84
output format = satellite modulator (l-band output)
FEC rate option, 4-84
frequency option, 4-84
l-band output option, 4-83
l-band power option, 4-83
mod type option, 4-84
modulation option, 4-84
polarisation option, 4-85
preset pwr low option, 4-84
preset pwr norm option, 4-85
roll off factor option, 4-84
sat deliv freq option, 4-85
sat orb pos option, 4-85
sat west/east option, 4-85
spectrum invert option, 4-84
status only option, 4-85
symbol rate option, 4-84
tx bandwidth factor option, 4-84
upconverter power option, 4-85
output format =IP streamer
destination IP address option, 4-88
destination UDP port option, 4-88
multicast IP address option, 4-88
network mask option, 4-88
own IP address option, 4-88
router IP address option, 4-88
time to live option, 4-89
ts pkts/UDP frm option, 4-88
type of service option, 4-89
output format option, 4-72