
TANDBERG Border Controller User Manual
To configure the Border Controller to use the LDAP server directory during authentication issue
the following commands:
xConfiguration Authentication Mode: On
xConfiguration Authentication Database: LDAPDatabase
The Border Controller needs to be configured with the area of the directory which will be searched
for the communication device information. This should be specified as the Distinguished Name
(DN) in the directory under which the H.350 objects reside:
xConfiguration Authentication LDAP BaseDN: "Your base DN"
The Border Controller must also be configured with the location of the LDAP server and the
security credentials required to gain access to the LDAP server. The following commands are
used to configure the LDAP server details:
xConfiguration LDAP Server Address: "ldap server address"
xConfiguration LDAP Server Port: 389
xConfiguration LDAP UserDN: "Your user DN"
xConfiguration LDAP Password: "password"
The status of the connection between the Border Controller and the LDAP ser ver can be verified
using the command:
xstatus LDAP
The details of the LDAP server can also be configured via the web interface on the Border
Controller Configuration Gatekeeper page).
5.2.3 Securing the LDAP connection with TLS
The traffic between the Border Controller and the LDAP server can be encrypted using Transport
Layer Security (TLS). To use TLS, the LDAP server must have a valid certificate installed so
that the Border Controller can verify the server’s identity. For more information on setting up
certificates using common LDAP servers, see Appendix B LDAPS uses port 636 as its default
communications port.
Using the terminal interface TLS can be enabled with the following command
xConfiguration LDAP Encryption: TLS
TLS can also be enabled via the web interface using the Border Controller Configuration
Gatekeeper page.
The Border Controller will now only communicate with the LDAP server using TLS. To verify the
identity of the LDAP server, the certificate of the Certificate Authority (CA) that issued the LDAP
server with its certificate must be uploaded to the Border Controller. To install the CAs certificate,
navigate to the Border Controller Configuration Files page and upload the CA certificate as a
Trusted CA certificate.