
Regardless of the specific MTPL sequences of your printer, this User’s Manual describes
the sum of all MTPL sequences and control codes. The only differentiation is made be-
tween 9 and 24 needle printers as well as the maximum possible paper width of 8 inches
(80 column printer) or 13.6 inches (132 column printer). Please note that the print quality
LQ (Letter Quality) is only available in the 24 needle printer.
Please be sure to observe the notes and steps described in the Operator’s Manual as
well as the specific MTPL sequences implemented in your printer and which of the
described sequences are thus not available.
Select the MTPL sequence as described in the Operator’s Manual, chapter 2.
Apart from the command language MTPL your printer also understands other printer emu-
lation sequences and commands. MTPL and an additional emulation can be active at the
same time. For this refer to the chapter 2, “Emulations”, Operator’s Manual.
The following explanations will help you
understand the sequences better:
Every sequence description begins with a header, in which the function and the short
form of the sequence are listed without parameters, e.g.:
Set Form Lenght in Lines CSI ... t
With the CSI (hex.9B, dec.155) control code the most MTPL sequences are introduced.
*) MTPL: “Tally Printer Language”
2 Introduction