
Synology DiskStation User's Guide
Based on DSM 3.1
73 Chapter 7: Set Up File Sharing
To create a user account by importing users list:
1 Create a text file which contains the following tab-delimited information in each line:
Quota (MB) in volume 1
Quota (MB) in volume 2 (and so on)
All fields are optional except Username.
An example of the text file is shown as follows:
eddy 1234 father eddy@abc.com 80000
rosy 5678 mother rosy@abc.com 80000
chaddy 8901 brother chaddy@abc.com 20000
eric 2345 cousin eric@abc.com 20000
2 Save the text file in UTF-8 encoding.
3 Go to Main Menu > Control Panel > User and click Import Users.
4 Choose the text file and click OK to start uploading. Tick Overwrite duplicate accounts if you want to replace
the existing duplicate accounts with the one from the users list.
After submission, a dialog will show the list of imported users.
Note: Users with abnormal status will not be imported.
To edit a user:
1 Select the user you want to edit from the users list and click Edit or double-click the user.
2 Make changes to the settings and click OK.
If you disable an account, the account will stop functioning.
The quota value should be an integer greater than or equal to 0 GB, and less than the disk/volume capacity. A
quota value of 0 means unlimited quota size.
If there is more than one volume on the server, you can set a quota for the user on every volume.
Email information on the "Notification" page must be set correctly in order for the system to notify the user by email
after the account information has been created or modified.
To search for a user:
Type the name of the user in the Search field and press Enter (PC) or Return (Mac) on your keyboard. The
search result will be displayed in the users list below.
This function is especially useful when there are numerous users for your Synology DiskStation.
To delete a user:
Select the user you want to delete and click Delete.
Note: To see domain users in the users list, you must join the domain and assign shared folder privileges for the
users. For more information about Windows ADS domain, see "Join a Windows ADS Domain or Workgroup" on Page