
182 XLi IEEE 1588 Clock
997-01510-03, Rev. C, 12/12/2006
the reference clock source. The systemStatusGeneralGroup also contains the statusDescriptorStr object
that returns a text string identical to the output of the F73 command on the command line interface. The
systemStatusDetail group contains objects describing the current status of each system object. See the
graph above and refer to the xliSystem-SMIv2.mib MIB for a complete description of each object.
XLi MainCard Group
At present the xliMainCard group contains only the NTP subgroup as shown above. Refer to the
xliMainCard-SMIv2.mib MIB definitions for a description of each of the NTP statistics.
XLi Traps
All traps for the XLI product are defined under Truetime.products.xli.xliTraps. This is required to maintain
compatibility with MIBS defined using the Structure of Management Information version 1 definitions.
The XLI SNMP agent will send SNMP version 1 traps. This is done to maintain compatibility with
SNMPv1 managers.
The traps presently defined are: alarmSystemNotification
The alarmSystemNotification trap is sent when the state of an object in the systemStatusDetail group
changes and the corresponding mask object in the configDataMasks group is enabled.
Future Expansion
This section outlines the possibilities for future expansion of the TrueTime Enterprise MIB. The general
overview is that new objects may be added to any location. Existing objects may not be altered in order
xliMainCard = 2
ntp = 1
ntpInPkts = 1
ntpOutPkts = 2
ntpInErrors = 3
ntpAuthFail = 4
ntpDesiredAcc = 5
ntpEstErr = 6
ntpSysLeap = 7
ntpSysHostMode = 8
ntpSysStratum = 9
ntpSysPoll = 10
ntpSysPrecision = 11
ntpSysRootDelay = 12
ntpSysRootDisp = 13
ntpSysRefClockIdent = 14