Operating Manual
PN 8500-0150, Rev. A, May 2005 18
Response Format:
Nn - Start-up Index; n (1 to 6) identifies which one of 6 elements in the start-up table was
Ggg.g - Dynamic Gain Value; gg.g (0 to 99.9) represents the dynamic gain value that will be
used during start-up for element "n".
Ttttttt - End Time; tttttt is the end time of element "n". The next element in the start-up table
will be used after this time. The time is the number of times the discipline loop has been run.
Using a time of "000000" will cause that element to be skipped.
Calibrate Unit
Command Format:
Commands a self-calibration. Before commanding a Self-Cal, connect one of the 1 PPS
outputs to the 1 PPS input using a short coax cable. The unit will be set to provide an output
1 PPS based on the electrical length of the cable used to connect the output to the input. The
maximum cable delay is limited to 1 microsecond.
Response Format:
Note: If element 1 is used (not 000000), then a 1 PPS resync will occur before element 2
starts. After all 6 elements have been completed, and before normal operation begins,
the discipline filter will be reinitialized.
Note: The "Calibrate Status" command should be used to verify that the calibration has
completed (takes several minutes). The programmable delay value, that controls the
phase relationship of the 1 PPS to the 10 MHz, should be set prior to running "Calibrate