097-58001-02 Revision G – April 2008 TimeProvider User’s Guide 185
Chapter 6 Maintaining and Troubleshooting the TimeProvider
Troubleshooting the TimeProvider
SIDCHG Source ID has been changed <value>
UIDCHG User’s name has been changed
USRADD User has been added
USRDEL Specified user has been deleted, or all users have been deleted
XFERFAIL Configuration transfer failed <fromdev> <todev>
XFEROK Configuration transfer successful <fromdev> <todev>
GPS Codes
MODE User has set or requested system position, or position has been automatically
found <mode>
POS User has set or requested Lat/Lon/Ht of GPS antenna <location>
ELEVMASK User has set or requested the GPS Elevation Mask <mask>
IOC Codes
CCALIGN User has cleared the INTPRR alarm, or has cleared the alarm and forced the
alignment between the CC output and a CC input
CLKTYPE Clock type has changed <state>
INPREF Specified input is selected as system reference <input>
IOCMODE IOC mode is <mode>
IOCSTATE IOC state has changed <state>
RESET Module has been reset
SYSMODE System mode of operation has changed <state>
IOC Clock Events
CLKFSTLK Clock entered Fast-lock mode
CLKLOCK Clock entered Lock mode
SCAVAIL SmartClock algorithm <value>
IOC Input Events
CRCENA Input CRC has changed <value>
FRMTYPE Input framing type has changed <value>
INSTATE Input state has changed <value>
PMCLR Performance data has been cleared
PRIORITY Priority has changed <value>
Table 6-8. Conditions Causing an Event (Continued)
Event ID Condition