PPT 2800 Series
Technologies equipment not expressly approved by Symbol Technologies could void
the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
The Spectrum24 equipment is intended for use throughout the European Economic
Area, but it’s authorization for use in France is restricted as follows:
• PAN European Frequency Range: 2.400 - 2.4835 GHz, identified by -EU suffix
to the model number found on the product label.
• France - Restrict Frequency Range for use in France: 2.447 - 2.453 GHz, iden-
tified on PPT 2842 by the -FR suffix to the model number found on the product
• Belgium - Operation in an out of doors environment in Belgium must be
restricted to 2460 - 2483.5 MHz band.
• Italy - Operation in Italy requires a user license.
To satisfy FCC RF exposure compliance requirements for a
portable transmitting device, this device should be used in
hand-held, hand-operated configurations only. The device
and its antenna should generally maintain a separation dis-
tance of 20 cm or more from a person's body; except for the
hands and wrists because of higher exposure limit for ex-
tremities. This device is designed to be used in a person's
hands and its operating configurations, generally do not sup-
port normal transmissions while it is carried in pockets or hol-
sters next to a person's body.
Caution: RF Devices
Symbol's RF products are designed to be compliant with the
rules and regulations in the locations into which they are sold
and will be labeled as required. The majority of Symbol's RF
devices are type approved and do not require the user to ob-
tain license or authorization before using the equipment. Any
changes or modifications to Symbol Technologies’ equip-
ment not expressly approved by Symbol Technologies could
void the user's authority to operate the equipment.