Customizing Your PPT 2700
explorer. This is useful when installing applications on the PPT 2700. Applications stored in
the Application folder are retained even when the terminal is cold booted, just as the PPT
2700 Demo program is retained in memory.
Windows CE expects certain files to be in the Windows folder, residing in volatile storage.
Windows CE maintains the System Registry in volatile storage. There are two device drivers
included in the Windows CE image to assist developers in configuring the terminal following
a cold boot: RegMerge and CopyFile.
Regmerge merges registry entries with the System registry at Boot time. During a cold boot
RegMerge looks for files with a .REG extension on the FFS partition and merges these with
the system Registry. The default application partition shipped with the PPT 2700 includes the
following example from the file application.reg:
CopyFile copies files from one folder to another on a cold boot. Files can be copied from a
non-volatile partition (Application or Platform) to the Windows or other volatile partition
during a cold re-boot. During a cold boot CopyFile looks for files with a .CPY extension on
the FFS partition. These files are text files containing the source and destination for the
desired files to be copied separated by “>”. The following example from the file
application.cpy is contained on the default application partition shipped with the PPT 2700.
;shortcut for the blt.exe
\application\PPT 2700 Demo.lnk > \windows\start menu\PPT 2700 Demo.lnk
\application\Scout Help.lnk > \windows\help\Scout Help.lnk
\application\ScoutSync.htm > \windows\ScoutSync.htm
Non-FFS Partitions
Non-FFS Partitions include additional software and data pre-loaded on your terminal that
can be upgraded. Unlike FFS Partitions, these partitions are not visible when the operating
system is running. They also contain system information. Non-FFS Partitions include the