PDT 7500 Series
Platform Developer), (“Sample Code”) to develop, and test your Applica-
tion for Windows CE. You may also reproduce and distribute the Sample
Code in object code form, along with any modifications you make to the
Sample Code, provided that you comply with the Distribution Require-
ments described below. For purposes of this section, “modifications” shall
mean enhancements to the functionality of the Sample Code.
c. Distribution Requirements. You may copy and redistribute the Sample
Code and/or any modifications you make (collectively “REDISTRIBUT-
ABLE COMPONENTS”) as described above, provided that (a) you distrib-
ute the REDISTRIBUTABLE COMPONENTS only in conjunction with,
and as a part of, your Application for Windows CE; (b) your Application
for Windows CE adds significant and primary functionality to the REDIS-
NENTS only operate in conjunction with Microsoft Windows CE; (d) you
do not permit further redistribution of the REDISTRIBUTABLE COMPO-
NENTS by your end-user customers; (e) you do not use Microsoft's name,
logo, or trademarks to market your Application for Windows CE; (f) you
include a valid copyright notice on your Application for Windows CE; and
(g) you hereby agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Microsoft
from and against any claims or lawsuits, including attorneys' fees, that
arise or result from the use or distribution of your Application for Win-
dows CE. Contact Microsoft for the applicable royalties due and other li-
censing terms for all other uses and/or distribution of the
d. Microsoft reserves all rights not expressly granted to you.
2. COPYRIGHT. All title, including but not limited to copyrights, in and to the
SOFTWARE PRODUCT and any copies thereof are owned by Microsoft or its
suppliers. All title and intellectual property rights in and to the content which
may be accessed through use of the SOFTWARE PRODUCT is the property of
the respective content owner and may be protected by applicable copyright or
other intellectual property laws and treaties. This EULA grants you no rights to
use such content. All rights not expressly granted are reserved by Microsoft.
Therefore, you must treat the SOFTWARE PRODUCT like any other copyright-
ed material, except that you may either (a) make one copy of the SOFTWARE
PRODUCT solely for backup or archival purposes, or (b) install the SOFT-
WARE PRODUCT on a single computer, provided you keep the original solely
for backup or archival purposes. You may not copy the printed materials ac-
companying the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.
a. Limitations on Reverse-Engineering, Decompilation, and Disassembly. You
may not reverse- engineer, decompile, or disassemble the SOFTWARE
PRODUCT, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly
permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation.
b. No Support. Microsoft does not provide support for the SOFTWARE
PRODUCT. Support, in any, may be available from the Platform Develop-
c. Rental. You may not rent, lease or lend the SOFTWARE PRODUCT.