RESOLUTION The narrowest element dimension which can be
distinguished by a particular reading device or printed with
a particular device or method.
ROW INDICATORS To help synchronize a PDF417 symbol’s structure,
codewords which collectively indicate which row a
particular one is, which is the left and right side of that row,
how many rows are in the symbol, what security level is
encoded in the symbol, and how many data columns are in
the rows. Left Row Indicators occur in each row immediately
after the Start pattern; Right Row Indicators occur in each
row immediately before the Stop pattern.
SCAN Search for a symbol to be optically recognized.
SCAN AREA Area intended to contain a symbol.
SCANNER An electronic device used to scan bar code symbols and
produce a digitized pattern that corresponds to the bars and
spaces of the symbol. Its three main components are:
1. Light source (laser or photoelectric cell) - illuminates a bar
2. Photodetector - registers the difference in reflected light
(more light reflected from spaces).
3. Signal conditioning circuit - transforms optical detector
output into a digitized bar pattern.
SELF-CHECKING CODE A symbology that uses a checking algorithm to detect
encoding errors within the characters of a bar code symbol.
SHOW-THROUGH The generally undesirable property of a substrate that
permits underlying markings to be seen.
SPACE The lighter element of a bar code formed by the background
between bars.
SPECULAR REFLECTION The mirror-like reflection of light from a surface, which can
“blind” a scanner.
SPOT SIZE Size of the scanning aperture.
SPOTS The presence of ink in a bar code's spaces or clear areas.
These generally reduce the percent decode.