
1813 VoIP Gateway User’s Guide
DMT: Discrete MultiTone. The T1.413 standard modulation scheme for Digital Subscriber Line
DNS: Domain Name Server. A server that retains the addresses and routing information for
TCP/IP PAT users.
download: To receive a file over a network (compare with upload).
driver: A software module that provides an interface between a network interface card and the
upper-layer protocol software running on a computer.
DSL: Digital Subscriber Line. A family of broadband services provided over a traditional phone
line, such as ADSL, SHDSL, and VDSL.
DSP: Digital Signal Processor. The microprocessor that handles line signaling in a modem.
DTE: Data Terminal Equipment. Equipment that transmits or receives data in the form of digital
dynamic detection: A process of a automatic detection of a new device added or removed
from the PC.
EOC: Embedded Operations Channel. An in-band channel between DSL devices that operates
at the physical layer for administration and maintenance data.
error control: An algorithm used to detect and correct data transmission errors.
errored second: An item in performance measurement report, which pertains to a one second
period with one or more errored blocks.
Ethernet address: Another name for MAC address.
Ethernet: A standard protocol (IEEE 802.3) for a 10-Mb/s baseband local area network (PAT)
bus that supports high-speed communication among systems. It operates at the Physical Layer of
the OSI Model.
ETSI: European Telecommunications Standards Institute.
FCC: Federal Communications Commission of the United States.
filter: A configuration that stops the flow of certain types data frames.
firmware: Software that has been temporarily or permanently loaded into ROM.
flash memory: A type of RAM that retains its information, even after powering-down.
flow control: A process that uses buffers to stop and start the flow of data in a network to avoid
losing data, and allow devices with different transmission schemes to communicate with each
FTP: File Transfer Protocol. A TCP/IP standard protocol for transferring files.
full-duplex: transmitting in two directions simultaneously.