Interface: Events
Shown here is an example of the Events
interface as seen on an iPhone.
The Android app will appear slightly
dierent, but is functionally similar.
Note that you’ll need to properly congure
and upgrade your SwannSmart account
before you can access the Event interface.
Event List
The events recorded are listed here in
chronological order. Select an event to
begin viewing the recorded slideshow
- the number on the right hand side
indicates how many images are contained
within the slide show for that event.
Newer/Older: Skips back or forth
through events, allowing you to quickly
scan through event history.
The Event Playback Screen
Back (Top Left): Leaves the camera
interface and returns to the camera list.
Previous: Changes the view to the
previous image (event) on the list.
Next: Changes view to the next image
(event) on the list.
Play: Plays/pauses the slideshow.