3. Motion Detection - Area Setup
i. Scroll over the button and LEFT click.
ii. You will see a small motion detection setup window open (fig. 1). The red boxes indicate motion
detection is active for that area.
iii. Scroll over the red boxes & LEFT click to turn off motion detection. The box will change to black;
motion detection is now off for that box. Note: clicking the button will turn the whole
motion detection area (that is currently on) off.
iv. After you have setup the area for motion detection click the button.
See page 20 for more information about MOTION DETECTION.
In the alarm screen you can change settings for motion detection.
1. Motion Detection - Status
i. Scroll over the dropdown list and LEFT click.
ii. Select ON to switch motion detection on for that channel. Selecting OFF will turn motion detec-
tion OFF for that channel.
iii. LEFT click.
4. Video Loss / HDD Space / HDD Loss
i. Scroll over the dropdown list and LEFT click.
ii. Select ON to switch the function ON for that channel. Selecting OFF will turn the function OFF for
that channel.
iii. LEFT click.
Video Loss - Setting this to ON will activate the buzzer when a camera has been disconnected.
“VIDEO LOSS” will also be displayed on the display. If it is set to OFF you will only see the “VIDEO
LOSS” displayed but the alarm will not sound.
HDD Space - Setting this to ON will activate the buzzer when the hard drive in the DVR is running
out of storage space. No alarm will sound if it is set to OFF.
HDD Loss - Setting this to ON will activate the buzzer when there is no hard drive detected or if the
hard drive is not formatted. You will also see a small “H” on the display screen. Setting this to OFF
will only show the “H” on the display but the buzzer will not sound.
2. Motion Detection - Sensitivity
i. Scroll over the dropdown list and LEFT click.
ii. Select the sensivity level you want for that channels motion detection; LOW, NORMAL, HIGH &
iii. LEFT click.
D9 Viewer Software (continued)