User's Manual
Unlike higher fre quen cies, it is
diffi cult to discern exactly from which
direction lower bass is coming from.
The TGIII has a bass man age -
ment system which takes advantage
of this effect. It allows you to choose
wheth er your speakers will play the
full fre quen cy range, or if the bass will
be re di rect ed to the subwoofer.
The advantages of redirecting the
bass to a subwoofer are :
• The overall bass of the system
is im proved as subwoofers,
such as Sunfi re's powered
True Subwoofers are specially
de signed for this frequency
• The subwoofer can si mul ta -
neous ly play the bass from all
of the speak ers, in addition to
it’s own low frequency effects
channel (LFE).
• There is no loss in percep-
tion of the po si tion of movie or
music sound effects, as the ear
cannot easily locate the posi-
tion of bass sound sources.
• Smaller speakers can be used
for front, center and sur-
rounds, as they do not have to
re pro duce the low fre quen cy
range. This leads to a saving
in speaker ex pense and room
space. Note that a sub woof er
is required if the front speakers
are set to Small.
• Your amplifi ers do not waste
power re pro ducing the low
frequency range.
See the previous page for in-
formation regarding the adjustment
of the bass management crossover
Bass Management
The SPEAKER SIZE menu is
used to set the bass management
correctly for your speaker system.
See page 38.
NOTE: Dolby Digital and DTS
modes are designed especially for
complete systems with front, cen-
ter, and surround speakers and
subwoofers. You need all of the
speak ers to get the best per for mance
from your Home Theater. If you do not
have a subwoofer connected, then
you should not use the bass manage-
ment system (so set all the speakers
to Large). Without a subwoofer, you
will be missing the 5.1 LFE (low fre-
quency effects) information.
Considering the advantages of
the bass management system, you
might try setting all of your speakers
to Small, even if they are capable of
good low-frequency performance.
Using the TGIII