
User's Manual
To remove the rack ears, rst turn off
the amplier and remove the power
cord. Undo the three screws holding
each rack ear in place. Remove the
rack ears and keep them in a safe
place in case you need them in future.
Replace the three screws back into the
amplier and tighten securely.
7. Balanced (XLR) Input
Connect these identical balanced in-
puts to the balanced line-level sub/LFE
output of a Home Theater preamplier,
receiver, or other source.
Balanced connections offer superior
noise cancellation over unbalanced
connections. You can use either XLR
balanced, or RCA unbalanced inputs,
with XLR preferred if you have a
If your preamplier or receiver has a
single sub/LFE balanced output, con-
nect it to either of these inputs, leaving
the other one unused.
8. Line Level (RCA) Inputs
Connect these identical unbalanced
inputs with RCA type patch cords to
the line-level sub/LFE outputs of your
Home Theater preamplier, receiver, or
other source.
If your preamplier or receiver has a
single sub/LFE output, connect it to
either of these inputs, leaving the other
one unused.
If your preamplier or receiver does not
have a sub/LFE output, use “Y” adapt-
ers at the preamplier outputs. In this
way, you can send the preamplier’s
output signals to your main amplier
and to the subwoofer amplier at the
same time.
9. Trigger Inputs
This input can be used to automatically
turn on the amplier. To do this, con-
nect a 12 VDC source as follows:
Input voltage range: 2.2 - 13 VDC
Impedance: approximately 2800 ohm
(4.2 mA @ 12V)
3.5 mm mono mini-jack, tip positive
Some Home Theater preampliers and
receivers, such as the Sunre Theater
Grand series, have matching 12 VDC
Trigger outputs. When they are turned
on, the amplier will turn on.
10. Ground Terminal
This screw terminal is provided in order
to ground the amplier. In some cases,
grounding may eliminate noise due to a
ground loop in the system.
11. IR Input
This IR input can be connected to the
output of an optional external IR receiv-
er. The amplier can then be controlled
in the same way as using the remote
control and pointing at the internal IR
receiver on the front panel.
12. Service
This connector is provided for use by
Sunre service technicians only.
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