User's Manual
Rear Panel Features
1. AUTO/ON/OFF Switch
Your Cinema Grand AmpliÞ er is
designed with an automatic on/off
• In the AUTO-ON po si tion, the
am pli Þ er will automatically
turn on if an audio signal is
present at the right front or
center inputs, or if it receives
a 12 VDC input voltage at the
trigger inputs. The ampliÞ er
will automatically turn off after
a few seconds if the trigger
voltage is removed, or after
approximately 30 minutes in
the ab sence of an audio signal.
• In the ON position, the ampli-
Þ er is always on, regardless of
input signals or 12 VDC trigger.
• In the OFF position, the ampli-
Þ er is always off, regardless of
input signals or 12 VDC trigger.
2. 12 VDC Trigger Input
Although the AUTO-ON signal
sensing turn-on is ad e quate for most
installations, the 12 VDC trigger inputs
are offered as an op tion al way to turn
on the ampliÞ er.
The SunÞ re Theater Grand II, III
and IV Processors have a com pat i ble
12 VDC trigger output (see page 11).
This can be used to automatically turn
on the Cinema Grand when the The-
ater Grand Processor is turned on
1/8" mono mini jacks are provided
for ease of installation, along with a
terminal strip to allow more ß exibility
for custom-wired installations. The
terminal strip and both mini jacks are
internally connected in parallel, allow-
ing 'daisy chaining' to turn on multiple
ampliÞ ers.
Any 1/8" miniplug mono or stereo
interconnect cable will sufÞ ce to con-
nect the trigger output of the Theater
Grand preamplifer to the ampliÞ er.
Do not exceed 18 VDC on
this input. (CAU TION: Do
not connect AC line voltage
to this input!)
The voltage range for the trigger
input is from 5 to 18 VDC. The input
impedance is approximately 600 Ω
(20 mA @ 12V).
3. RCA Inputs
Your Cinema Grand AmpliÞ er has
three sets of inputs for each of the Þ ve
chan nels. Two are un bal anced RCA
in puts and one is a balanced XLR
The two RCA inputs for each chan-
nel are joined together internally, and
either one can be connected to the
cor re spond ing output of your pream-
pliÞ er. The other can be used as a
daisy-chaining output, sending the
pream pli Þ er output signal to another
channel or to another ampliÞ er.
Sunfire Corporation Cinema Grand Signature 400 ~ five
Sunfire C
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