The factory default setting for 1 cup is 12
seconds, and for 2 cups is 20 seconds.
To reset original factory default settings,
press and hold the program
button for a
period of 5 seconds. All three buttons will
flash once after 1 second - continue pressing
the program
button and all three buttons
will flash three times at 5 seconds. This will
indicate the factory default settings have
been restored.
Important: Before programming 1 and 2 cup
grind measurements, read ‘Operating your
Café Series
Programmable Conical Burr
Coffee Grinder’ on pages 11.
Ensure the bean hopper is full prior
to programming 1 and 2 cup grind
1. Position the group handle with grind funnel
positioned on top into the group handle
locator, see figure 11.
There are two handle locators and two
grind funnels provided: the smaller sizes fit
domestic sized group handles, and the larger
sizes fit commercial sized group handles.
2. Flip the switch to the ‘Auto’ position, see
figure 12.
3. On the control panel, press and hold the
button for a period of 1 second -
all three buttons will flash once indicating
you have activated program mode. Remove
your finger from the program
The program
button will stay fully
illuminated, while the 1 cup
and 2 cup
buttons will soften in
Note: The programming mode can be aborted
at any stage by pressing the program
button again.
4. Select either the 1 cup
or 2 cup
button to program the grind time for that
selected button. The selected button will
begin to flash, and the motor will become
activated. Ground coffee will begin to deliver
into the group handle.
5. To stop the coffee grind and set your
programmed 1 or 2 cup grind measurement,
re-select the 1 or 2 cup button that was
previously selected (this is indicated by
the flashing button). The motor will be
de-activated, and the time of the selected 1
or 2 cup function will be stored.
Quick reference instructions for programming
your 1 and 2 cup grind measurements can be
located underneath the preparation mat on
your grinder.
Allowable program time for 1 cup
and 2
buttons is 2 sec – 40 sec.
Foreign objects like stones or twigs can
sometimes be found in whole bean coffee
and can cause the coffee grinder to jam.
Should this occur refer to the Care and
Cleaning section on page 14 as these objects
need to be removed immediately.
Figure 11
Figure 12
How to program 1 and 2 cup grind