Eggs are nature’s contribution to ‘fast food’.
Conveniently packaged, simple to use and
They are an extremely nutrient-dense food,
providing vitamins, minerals, protein and
fats, with the standard size egg containing
only 300KJ.
A nutritious, balanced meal can be made
in under 10 minutes by serving a boiled or
poached egg with toast and orange juice.
Dressed up or served plainly, an egg always
tastes and looks great.
• When purchasing, avoid cracked or broken
eggs and check the ‘best by’ date on the
• Store eggs in the refrigerator with the
pointed side down in their carton. This
reduces the risk of damage, slows down
moisture loss and prevents eggs from
absorbing odours from strong smelling
• If a recipe specifies using eggs at room
temperature, simply remove them from the
refrigerator 30 minutes before using.
• To test for freshness, place an egg in a
bowl of cool water. If it sinks, it is fresh
– if it floats, throw it out.
• Piercing the large end of the egg with
the egg piercer on the underside of the
measuring cup prevents it from cracking
during cooking, with the added bonus of
making it easier to peel.
• Chill hard boiled eggs in cold water
immediately after cooking to prevent blue
discolouration around the yolk.
• Hard boiled eggs are much easier to slice
if they are cold. If you don’t have an egg
slicer, use a sharp, thin-bladed knife,
dipping into cold water every few slices.
• Refrigerated as soon as they cool, boiled
eggs will keep for up to 1 week.
Egg tips