
Drying Vegetables, 45 - 50°C (continued)
Food type Pre treatment Setting Drying time Suggested Use
Tomatoes, regular, cut into
2cm-thick wedges (dried)
None 45ºC 6 hours
Add to risottos and
pasta sauces
Tomatoes, Roma (egg)
cut in half semi-dried
None 45ºC 8 hours
Add to antipasto
platters, sandwich
fillings, pies and tarts
Tomato, Roma (egg)
cut in half dried
None 45ºC 10-12 hours Add to pasta sauces
Onion, Brown, halved,
cut into 1cm dice
None 45ºC 14-16 hours
Add to bread
mixtures, curries and
muffin mixtures
Pea, green, shelled None 45ºC 6-8 hours
Add to soups and rice
Pumpkin, peeled,
deseeded, cut into
1cm dice
None 50ºC 8-10 hours
Add to curries, scones
and bread mixtures
Orange sweet potato
(Kumara) peeled, cut into
1cm dice or cut into
1cm thick slices
None 50ºC 8 hours Curries, soups