
Appendix H Service Processor Commands 177
SP JNET Address Subcommands
The JNET address is used for communications between the SP and the platform. The
subcommands in
TABLE H-27 manage the SP JNET address.
SP Get JNET Subcommand
Description: Retrieves the IP address of the platform JNET driver.
Command format:
sp get jnet [{-H | --noheader}] [{-D | --delim <DELIMITER>}]
TABLE H-28 lists the arguments for this subcommand.
TABLE H-27 SP JNET Subcommands
Subcommand Description
sp get jnet Retrieves the JNET address.
sp set jnet Sets the JNET address.
TABLE H-28 Arguments for Subcommand sp get jnet
Argument Description
{ -H | --noheader } Suppresses column headings.
{ -D | --delim } Delimits columns with the specified delimiter. Headings are
also delimited unless suppressed. The delimiter can be any
character or string.