
MR0012J 9710 System Assurance Guide 3-3
Host Interfaces
The PRM card is shipped with the PDU, even though it is not part of the PDU.
The card is mounted in the 9710 to provide data communication paths for the
additional drives.
Host Interfaces
The LSM provides two host ports for AS/400 direct connections. Two internal
LSM cables are supplied for this configuration (see Figure 3-2 on page 3-4).
Other configurations with the AS/400 might include a RISC/6000 server (see
Figure 3-3 on page 3-5). Direct connections in non-AS/400 (open systems)
configurations are also supported (see Figure 3-4 on page 3-6).
For host indirect connections to the LSM, a server [Unix-based, using Automated
Cartridge Server Library (ACSLS) software or a RISC System/6000, using the
Advanced Interactive Executive (AIX) operating system] is connected between
the host and the LSM. An example of an indirect connection is an LSM hooked
to a Unix server, with the server connected to an Ethernet LAN network. A
cable is run from the Ethernet LAN to the host (see Figure 3-5 on page 3-7).
The connection from the server to the LSM is a SCSI Type-3 68-pin cable. The
server may have its own control-side path (through a connection on the
optional PRS circuit card), or may be daisy-chained to a shared data bus with
one or more drives.
Figure 3-6 on page 3-8 shows the generic software requirements for the
subsystems in either a direct connection or an indirect connection to the LSM.