
2.3.3. In stal la tion of an alarm in di cat ing de vice at the SSE con trol ler
(op tio nal)
This work must be car ried out by qual i fied per son nel only.
Dis con nect the unit from mains sup ply by the de vice plug be fore
you be gin with works on the con trol ler. Dan ger to life!
The con nec tion is po ten tial-free and rated for no more
than 5 A.
An ad di tio nal alarm in di ca ting de vi ce (e.g. horn, sig nal light)
can be con nec ted.
You need an “ack nowled ge ment key” for 24 V (e.g. by Rafi
Com pa ny).
As sem bly in struc tions 19